Sorry it took me SOOOO long to even figure out how to get this drawing, I spent forever on, to post and now you can't read the story. Oh well!
I am also realizing that I never said he was on his bike. I wasn't going to tell the whole story on the picture I drew but it ended up that way and I probably left out lots of other details as well.
The red is curb and raised above the sidewalk Brandon was on. The sidewalk slants down into the curb because it starts to ramp as it turns 90 degrees right and then 90 degrees left. The street light went out (this is at 5:30am and it is pitch black still) to recharge right before he got to the intersection so he could not see that he was heading straight for curb and sidewalk until he was almost flying. He landed about mid intersection. I bought him a helmet because I found out it is illegal to not have one in New Mexico and he won’t wear it. He said as he was flying one of the things he thought of was that he needed to keep his head up so that it would not hit the ground. Yah, maybe he will wear it now. He got himself up and realized that he could not really move his arm. He tried calling me about 15 times before I called him back. While he was waiting a Mexican came out of his house that was on the corner and Brandon tried asking for help only he kept saying “no speak english.” Hahaha Oh Las Cruces! Anyway, we were all still sound asleep and my phone was ringing in my dream. I woke the kids up and we went to get him and we came home. Brandon wasn’t thinking that he needed to go to the ER. He finally agreed and we dropped Allie and Tyler off at a friends and went. We were there for SOOO many hours and are grateful that it is not worse than what it is. He has a fractured clavicle and a type II shoulder separation. When the nurse and I took Brandons shirt off we thought his arm was falling off. They were talking about IV’s and popping it in place and all sorts of things that were scaring Brandon. He HATES needles. He did end up with a tetanus shot. And he said it didn’t even hurt. I tried to tell him that IV’s really aren’t that bad. So we are happy with what it is but wish there was nothing. I now have a 4th person to get up and get dressed in the morning. He is really trying to do everything on his own but there are A LOT of things you just can’t do with one arm. Especially when you even move the one it sends sharp pains. If anyone cares this site explains it well.